Custom Collage Commissions

I know what you’re thinking – shouldn’t these be on the “collages” page? NO. These collages were a commission – each representing a different neurological phenomenon that happens when we creatively problem solve. It’s dense, but stay with me! Explanations for each collage are as follows:

1.  When we reach “theta brainwave activity” (a state between wide awake alertness and sleeping), dopamine is delivered to targeted areas of the brain synonymous with divergent thinking. It increases access to our own memories, which we use to seed better, more novel ideas. Our analytical filter is suspended, and we’re free to imagine fantastical ideas and thoughts.

2.  This collage is inspired by fresh thinking and the promotion of neuroplasticity. It focuses on channeling someone or something else and allows us to go beyond the way we normally think about something, beyond the “obvious” ideas that come first.

3. Overcoming cognitive fixation is difficult! When we’re unable to abandon inappropriate problem-solving methods, it’s a real roadblock. Also focusig on the Einstellung effect – we get stuck on one idea that we can’t let go of, and it prevents us for exploring new ideas. Switching roles or tasks allows us to use inexperience as a leg-up in problem solving.

4. The “Creative Cliff Illusion” comes from an article on cognitive sciences and tells us that people mispredict that their creativity will decline across an ideation session. Creativity actually increases or remains the same across time. We don’t actually “run out of ideas”!

collages printed