Chomp and Stomp Merch
I got involved with the Chomp & Stomp Chili Cook-off and Bluegrass festival in Atlanta this fall. I volunteered to manage their social media accounts in the months leading up to the big day – November 2nd 2024. I attended weekly planning meetings from August to November.
During a planning meeting, I heard that a design for the 2024 merch hadn’t been chosen yet. I decided to throw my hat in the ring and give the merch design a try. I had the chance to look at some merch from years past, so I knew my design should probably include a few iconic Cabbagetown things: the Stacks, a cabbage, a cat, a pot of chili…
And that’s how I came up with the design you see here! It was pretty cool walking around our neighborhood festival with 50,000+ attendees and seeing so many people wearing my design or holding posters with it, too! The posters were additionally hung in many local establishments, which was awesome to see.